AUGUST 8, 2013

Rangemaster Annual Tactical Conference Coming Up in February 2014

Our annual Tactical Conference will be conducted over three days,Feb 21-23, 2014, Friday through Sunday, 8:00am to 6:00pm each day. In 2014 the usual cast of trainers (John Farnam,Massad Ayoob, Southnarc, Todd Green, Marty Hayes, Tom Givens, Chuck Haggard, Wayne Dobbs, etc, over 20 in all) will be presenting blocks of instruction, plus we have several new additions. Attorney and reserve police officer Mark Loreto will discuss the ramifications of traveling armed under LEOSA regulations; Cecil Burch will be teaching some of his innovative hand to hand concepts; and Kathy Jackson will be offering a segment on teaching firearms skills to females. As always, there will be classroom blocks, live action hands-on blocks, and the realistic tactical match in the range.

Cost is only $299, the best bargain in the training industry. In 2013 we turned away about 20 applicants who waited too late to register. Space is limited, so the cut-off is strictly enforced. Sign up soon to avoid disappointment. The registration form and waiver can be downloaded at .

Tom Givens