DECEMBER 13, 2012

SHWAT™ is tactical hog hunting

"SHWAT" stands for Special Hog Weapons and Tactics™ and in the last 30 days hit 10,000+ pageviews! Not bad for only being online less than twelve months!

Given that there are at least four MILLION feral hogs in this country, and those numbers are growing daily, it's little wonder that tactical hog hunting is growing by leaps and bounds... And record-breaking sales in AR's and other tactical rifles and accessories are only helping to fuel interest in hog hunting and tactical training. SHWAT™ is the intersection of both of these explosive trends!

With only three articles published, launched in January just prior to SHOT Show 2012. The goal was to become the center of gravity for tactical hog hunting, and SHWAT™ is making it happen! Contributing writers include the founders Stephen Owen and Jonathan Owen, NRA Field Editor Brian McCombie, Wilson Combat's founder and hog hunter extraordinaire, Bill Wilson, tactical trainer and founder of Force Options USA, Fred Mastison, Dr. John Woods, PhD, and tactical medic Ryan Cooper.

SHWAT™ continues to grow. With multiple TV appearances slated for 2013, growing relationships with well known industry pros, premiers of new and innovative products and other growth initiatives. Outreach includes younger shooters, women, and new shooters. SHWAT's name recognition and influence are expected to grow exponentially in the upcoming year. SHWAT™ gives back, too. Hunts in cooperation with non-profit organizations to support combat veterans giving them some well deserved appreciation, fun and stress relief are in the works.

SHWAT™ Appearances have included
1st Annual Silencers Are Legal Shoot
Bushido Carbine 1 Class
TNVC/Wild River Ranch Night Vision Civilian Operator's class and hunt.
NRA Outdoors Hog Hunt
Circle WC Ranch Hog Hunt with Bill Wilson, President, Wilson Combat
Wulf Outdoor Sports Wild Hog Roundup
DRT Ammo hunt with Red Jacket Firearms

Want to reach the tactical hog hunting community? Download the SHWAT™ media kit at

Special Hog Weapons and Tactics™
(214) 699-1131
Twitter: @SHWATteam