JANUARY 3, 2012

DeSantis Announces New Holster

AMITYVILLE, New York - DeSantis Gunhide®, a division of HELGEN Industries Inc., introduces the return of the Hot-Jox™ for most medium semi autos & compact large autos.

"DeSantis didn't invent concealment, we just perfected it".

The Hot-Jox™ IWB belt gives the operative freedom of being casually dressed and fully armed. The weapon and spare ammo are carried just below the waist line, dead center. This system has been used effectively over two decades.
The style #R77 retails for $49.99. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

Product Code


Plain Black - Right



Plain Black - Left



DeSantis Gunhide® is a leading manufacturer of city, state and federal law enforcement agencies, military, as well as the hunting and shooting industries around the world. DeSantis Gunhide® delivers a full-range of holsters and accessories to meet and exceed the needs of its customers.

For more information, please visit www.desantisholster.com or email us at sales@desantisholster.com. You may also speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives at 800-GUNHIDE.