APRIL 1, 2010

New Free Handcuffing Program Available

The Police Officers Safety Association has released its newest free program, Handcuffing - a Street Practical Approach. This first part of this 95-minute video program presents information about the different kinds of handcuffs available today, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can avoid having them defeated. The second part of this program presents two street-realistic approaches to handcuffing that have proven themselves over the years; one of these is a traditional approach and the other is an innovative one. Both approaches differ from the artificial, choreographed approaches so often taught that actually rely on your arrestee's cooperation.

Like all POSA programs, this program is free to all public safety professionals. Simply go to www.posai.org to download your copy.


About the Police Officers Safety Association

POSA is the training arm of the American Police and Sheriffs Association, a 501(c )(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. POSA's mission is to increase the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement officers by providing free and low-cost advanced education and training. All POSA material is distributed either free or for nominal cost to police officers. Currently, thousands of officers a month make use of POSA training programs.